Workshop & screenings between the sculpture classes of Nora Schultz in Vienna & Gerry Bibby in Munich
That time has its paradoxes will be evident to whomever has thought about it at any length. Thought itself is entangled in time. It takes time. The fact it takes place in the present is a complicated notion in that this ‘present’ is plastic, & elastic.
In an attempt to stretch the boundaries of two pedagogical Institutions dedicated to art constructed in the nineteenth century, Kunstraum Schwaz has generously opened its doors to an experiment in thinking what duration, producing, pedagogy, & proximate border crossings might enable for art, artists & students of art.
In the midst of Kunstraum Schwaz’s 30-year Jubilee, for about 30 hours more than 30 students will converge on the Kunstraum’s screening room on the 12th & 13th of December.
Two groups of people with only partial knowledge of one another will engage in a process of collaboration that engages a shared interest in the polymath artist, musician, companion & teacher, Tony Conrad, as a guide through thinking what the hell media are!? & how we can reject or enjoy & use them to great effect.
In Nadja Ayoub’s words from her text for the current exhibition, […] We would hold each other, embrace tightly and then release one another again […] in a continuing relation of digesting the PRESENT for a Near Future through collective action & engagement.
The number of participants for the event is limited. No prior knowledge is required. The workshop can be attended on Thursday between 2 – 9 pm and on Friday between 11 am and 2 pm.
Register here.
Image © Gerry Bibby