What happens between the knots
Anna Lerchbaumer, Kristina Kapeljuh, Martina Moro, Juri Velt, Nicole Weniger
If we wrap each other up, tie each other tightly, maybe you will feel me.
Maybe you will recognise me and I you
and together we will be able to see everyone else.
I might swing, or rub, or dance.
We would hold each other, embrace tightly and then release one another again.
I would flow, seep away, dissolve completely to take on a new form
in which to physically wrap myself around yours again.
There we would lie, alone and together, alongside all the others.
Nadja Ayoub
United by a thread we form a living quipu:
each person is a knot, and the performance is /
what happens between the knots. [Cecilia Vicuña]
Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of Kunstraum Schwaz, the exhibition is a celebration of togetherness and resonance. Inspired by a quote from Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña, it explores the connections between all of us – the knots – and their reverberations.
Through their works, the five young artists demonstrate various aspects of “interconnectedness” – in the dynamic flow of time – incorporating humour, love, care, sincerity and a lot of dedication in relation to their own physical resonance with the external and the internal.
The exhibition looks at the micro in the macro, the things that naturally envelop our everyday lives, things fuelled by longing and overrun by acceleration. How do we relate to the world? Or in the words of German sociologist Hartmut Rosa: If acceleration is the problem, then perhaps resonance is the solution.
Translation: Signe Rose
Images © Aslan Kudrnofsky
An audio sample of the work Technically Female - Dem Strom zuhören by Anna Lerchbaumer: